Grote Bickersstraat 74-781013 KS Amsterdam
We connect rights controllers and owners with AI and gaming platforms through a single API.
AI companies can query recordings and songs they can or cannot train on, register trained tracks, and license pre-cleared ones with revenue sharing options. Gaming worlds can integrate cleared tracks for developers. Bulk integration is supported.
Data can be stored in your cloud. You control, we provide. Developed with IMRO, Ireland's national music society.
We provide a white-labelled platform for the secure and user-friendly storing and sharing of music and creative files (lyrics, samples etc).
Why is this so important? We believe that from now on, everything needs to be timestamped. To have proof of creation, and the creative process, for when an AI (or human) infringes on your creative works (or parts of it). This is crucial for all creators, publishers, labels, etc.
Data can be stored in your cloud. You control, we provide. With our data partners we also work on detection and preventing against fraudulent uploads (AI, audio, lyrics).
Developed in collaboration with BUMA, the national music society in the Netherlands.
With our integrated partners, we help you unlock new revenue streams in virtual gaming worlds and engines, enabling game developers to build on your content, and trackable for you.
Data is stored across a vault network, enabling music controllers, owners, and holders to host their own data. This also results in resolving over- and under claims before they happen.
Our internal processing engine provides split based royalty automation, analysis, and cross source comparisons across licensing types. Across data vaults. EU Article 17 compliant.
Together with Copyright Delta we address the challenges posed by the proliferation of generative AI in the music industry. This partnership underscores our commitment to fostering innovation in music creation while also protecting the rights of our members.